It’s not a good sign when it takes almost two weeks to formulate a “to-do” list for the year. Maybe I should go ahead and start my list for next year, and the first item should be “prepare to-do list before the year actually begins and you lose 13 precious days.” I think what I’m going to do is make these goals effective February 1st, which gives me plenty of time to prepare myself mentally. I think most of the goals are pretty manageable, and should be able to happen with general regularity, though I harbor no illusions about the possibility of 100% commitment.

I would like to note that these aren’t “resolutions.” When you “resolve” to do something it’s rarely something you actually want to do, it’s often a way to manage discontentedness. I’m trying to do away with that sentiment altogether, so we’ll see how I feel at the end of 2010. Here’s my constantly evolving list of items I desire to experience this year:

Dailies, or almost dailies:

– Exercise
– Read the Bible again (finish in one or maybe two years)
– Write down one complete thought
– Take a photograph, upload to flickr
– Play music for even the smallest amount of time


– Write at least one blog post
– Create one thing that is visually interesting


– Read (or listen to) two books (24 for the year)
– Write something about every book
– Create one song
– Write to my friend Kornel*
– Give at least one thing away


– Release at least one and maybe two tapes
– Get tape label off the ground along with necessary collateral
– Play at least one show
– Formulate a solid vision for my online presence
– Take enough photographs to create a retrospective book
– Create one small book or zine
– Get into one design show
– Set up screenprinting space
– Hike at least 1/100th of the Appalachian Trail
– Integrate a top hat into regular wardrobe rotation
– Learn WordPress
– Lower normal resting heart rate to at least 65 bpm
– Stop worrying about that one lymph node in neck
– Become awesome at playing the banjo
– Be earnest. Be loyal. Be kind.

There are also other odds and ends that I hope to keep on top of this year (for example, I’d like to keep a list of every movie I see) and hope that a fair amount of those pursuits are documented here.

Here’s to ambition.

*Kornelius is the kid I sponsor with Compassion International. He’s great and I feel like I neglect him sometimes. I hope that changes.

Dailies, or mostly dailies:
– Exercise
– Read Bible (finish in one or maybe two years)
– Read the Book of Common Prayer
– Write down one complete thought
– Take a photograph, upload to flickr
– Play music for even the smallest amount of time
– Write at least one blog post
– Create one thing that is visually interesting
– Read (or listen to) two books (24 for the year)
– Write something about every book
– Create one song
– Write to your friend Kornel*
– Give at least one thing away
– Release at least one and maybe two tapes
– Get tape label off the ground along with necessary collateral
– Play at least one show
– Formulate a solid vision for my online presence
– Take enough photographs to create a retrospective book
– Create one small book or zine
– Get into one design show
– Set up screenprinting space
– Hike at least 1/100th of the Appalachian Trail
– Integrate a top hat into regular wardrobe rotation
– Learn WordPress
– Lower normal resting heart rate to at least 65 bpm
– Stop worrying about that one lymph node in my neck
– Become awesome at playing the banjo
– Be earnest. Be loyal. Be kind.There

1 Comment to 2010

  1. by wifey dear on January 13, 2010 at 9:52 pm

    Don’t forget to kiss your wife! (Is there a dozen daily section?)

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