On Getting Off Your Duff

“I think that there is a relatively untapped field in design: Design that has a strong story behind its making.

The success of my AIGA Detroit poster is surely based on it being actually carved as opposed to photoshopped (and therefore creates all the questions/stories about if I still have scars etc.) The grandaddy of this kind of design (or at least the first one I am aware of) is the Pink Floyd animals cover, where, on insistence of the band (and against the will of its designers) they photographed that huge flying pig as an inflatable for real (instead of retouching it) hovering above the Battersea power station in London. The ropes securing the pig broke and with the guys with guns to shoot it down on lunch break, the giant pig drifted all the way up to Wales, finally landing on the land of a rather freaked out farmer, the entire episode generating considerable press coverage.”
— Stefan Sagmeister

We always (sometimes) talk about “creating an experience” through design, but what about having experiences ourselves as we create the work? If we don’t experience something special how do we expect our viewers to?

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