Some Items

A couple of quick items that I’ve been meaning to address for a while:

Number one: my wife Christina recently re-opened her Etsy shop after a brief sabbatical for our move and all that. She has some great new stuff planned out just in time for Christmas. The picture above is from a paper arts sale she did last week with our friends Jeff and Shay over at Beethings, another great source for affordable prints and custom art pieces. Read Christina’s blog here, it’s great, and if you don’t like it your lady friends probably will, because there are flowers and oftentimes babies all over it.

Number two: Every day I take at least one photo. Usually this photo is something mundane like my lunch or a cat, but I take it nonetheless. For posterity perhaps. Until now these images have mostly just taken up space on my iPhone, but I’ve started uploading some of the more relevant snapshots to my Tumblr account. I’ve decided to move away from the link bank system to a more documenting-my-life system. Should be interesting, or maybe it will just waste the internet.

I’ve been spending some time brainstorming what direction to take this blog. Any thoughts?

I’ll just leave that question as open ended as possible.

A couple of quick items that I’ve been meaning to address for a while:
Number one: my wife Christina recently re-opened her Etsy shop after a brief sabbatical for our move and all that. She has some great new stuff planned out just in time for Christmas. The picture above is from a paper arts sale she did last week with our friends Jeff and Shay over at Beethings, another great source for affordable prints and custom art pieces. Read Christina’s blog here, it’s great, and if you don’t like it your lady friends probably will, because there are flowers and oftentimes babies all over it.
Number two: Every day I take at least one photo. Usually this photo is something mundane like my lunch or a cat, but I take it nonetheless. For posterity perhaps. Until now these images have mostly just taken up space on my iPhone, but I’ve started uploading some of the more relevant snapshots to my Tumblr account. I’ve decided to move away from the link bank system to a more documenting-my-life system. Should be interesting, or maybe it will just waste the internet.
I’ve been spending some time brainstorming what direction to take this blog. Any thoughts?
I’ll just leave that question as open ended as possible.

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